Wednesday, September 25, 2013

They're baaack!

Bobby, Jimmy, and Davey Calabrese
The fraternal trio from Phoenix is back with their fifth full-length album. This latest one breaks even more new ground for the group, just when you thought Calabrese III: They Call Us Death, their third, was the flash forward departure from their earlier sound. In continuation with retro sounds and looks that saturated their fourth CD Dayglo Necros, the overall theme of this new album sees the brothers as night-stalking, fanged, bloody, gritty, greasers (noticing a lot more character self-inclusion in their later material).

The mostly instrumental opening track "American Rebel Death Riders" leaves the listener with an impression of the boys causing mayhem in the dead of night on dusty desert highways looking to parch their thirst with booze or blood. . .whichever comes first.

Like their third album, this one includes some interesting vocal harmonies. These harmonies and melody of songs really remind you of those fun sing-songy tunes of rebellion from a bygone era. The theme of Americana and individualism permeates especially in songs like "At Night I Am The Warmest" with the chorus' lyrics: wandering alone/at night, vison's so blurry/with the heat steam of your body, which reflect the mysterious sensual lone wolf character we all want to portray as the real American dream, showing that the Calabros made a huge effort to make this theme pop for this effort and it works! The first single from this album "Born With A Scorpion's Touch" illustrates the boot-grinding- into-dirt-and-concrete violence vigilate/outlaw femme fatale lost love mashup that reads like an old 60s flick you watched on VHS at your friends' house when their parents were gone, lest you get in trouble for watching filth. Bobby Calabrese's guitar licks sound have a cool 60s-era chic sound to them in a lot this material and sound a bit, dare I say?, surf sounding in some tracks. Definitely working a groove there with six strings.

Other songs of note include "Mind Warp" in which bassman Jimmy's hoarse brooding intro vocals bridge over to a harmonious chorus that will indeed leave you in a mind warp. Ending track "There Is An Evil Inside" is a rather interesting track that focuses initially on vocals and guitar and plays like an Elvisy twang with a modern, horrific twist. Definitely the perfect song to end the album.

Born With A Scorpion's Touch see its official release date Oct. 1 2013.

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